The Benefit Of Having Dance Sessions At Our Summer Camp Venues Is That They Are All Set Within Extensive Grounds Allowing Our Students Access To The Outdoors As Much As Possible. In Addition, Our Forest School Shin Rin Yoku Coaches Use Outdoor Spaces such as Darland’s Nature Reserve And Lake For Activities Such As Den Building.

At LDL We Thoroughly Believe That Teaching Children A Love For Nature Will Serve Them Well All Their Lives. Notwithstanding The Benefits Of Working Outside In The Current Health Crisis, We Believe That Strong Mental Health Is Derived From Time In Nature. Additionally, Empathy And Self-Control Are Associated With Working With Animals In The Outdoors.

LDL Ensures Students Don’t Just Dance, We Learn About Our Place In The Natural World And Believe That This Will Help To Conserve Our Planet. Learning To Give Back Is, We Believe, Fundamental In Helping To Create Strong, Honourable, Kind Students.

An holistic, all-around approach to our bodies and health and how we function in and alongside the natural world is the way we teach.

If it is a clear but cold day we will use the grounds for exercise before dance sessions. If it is sunny, there is no way you will find us indoors! Our policy is that there is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing for that instance!  
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